5 Important Ways Your Child Can Benefit From Having a Dog

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It is estimated that approximately 90% of all children live with a pet at some point and it can provide so many benefits. Although caring for a pet properly requires time, patience and effort, the rewards that kids reap from the experience can make a huge difference in their lives.

Aside from the unconditional love that a dog will give your children, there are many benefits including these five important ones:

· They'll be both mentally and physically healthier and happier. Research has demonstrated numerous health benefits including lowered stress levels, elevated mood, and increased calm. Additionally, studies have shown that they'll have a stronger immune system with a decreased chance of developing allergies or asthma, or eczema.

· They'll be more active and spend more time outdoors. Dogs make great pals to play with or to take on a walk. Children will spend less time sitting indoors and increase their time participating in healthier outdoor activities.

· They'll learn empathy. Your children will see their dog's emotions, including pain from injury or illness, and likely even witness the end of their dog's life. Learning to console their dog, share his joy, and coping with the eventual loss can teach them invaluable lessons of compassion.

· They'll discover the rewards from taking on the responsibility of caring for their dog. Children will learn the importance of commitment and dependability by remembering to provide food and water, playing and exercising him, and cleaning up after their dog.

· They'll have fun. Kids always have a playmate and they're never alone when they have a dog. They can cheer them up when they're down, greet them daily with a wagging tail, play games, or simply cuddle up with them.

Certainly, caring for a dog requires patience and training, but the unconditional love your child and your entire family will receive, makes it all worthwhile.

At Nature Gnaws we love our dogs too, and believe that our pets deserve the best. Our chews are made from 100% grass-fed, free-range, all-natural beef, completely free of hormone injections or genetic modification, and with no added flavors or preservatives - because we think that nothing's too good for our dogs. For more information, please visit www.naturegnaws.com today.

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